Evolving CMS guidelines and requirements demand ever-increasing accuracy and efficiency in the contract management process. Additionally, constant industry changes present challenges that Nova excels with staying at the forefront of the latest updates. We utilize highly reliable and proven techniques to ensure our clients can meet the challenges of this ever-changing landscape of healthcare. 

We provide these services in all aspects of Contract Management: 

  • Acquisition of New Contracts: Procure fresh or previously unobtainable contracts to maximize the ability to drive census. 

  • Renegotiation of Current Rates: Evaluate current contract rates to seek rate increases, as applicable. 

  • Start-Up Facilities/New Builds: Review and recommend contracts with the highest impact for us to pursue.

  • Cloud-Based Data Management: Retention of contracts and all updates, ensuring easy accessibility. 

  • Contract Summary Quick Reference Guide: Each contract is broken down into straightforward pertinent information for staff. 

  • Contract Briefings: Notices of contract changes, updates, and completions are given throughout the contract procurement timeline.

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contract management services?